
A security and fire alarm system from Circle City Security can help keep your family safe in the event of an emergency. However, even with one of our top of the line systems, it is still imperative that your family has a plan for different types of emergencies. Planning for such events can be a matter of life or death, in some instances.

You shouldn’t have to think twice about taking preventative measures to stop a fire from occurring in your home. However, no matter what you do, there will always be some threat of a house fire.


  1. Ensure all electrical appliances are up-to-date and do not have any frayed cords
  2. Keep a wide perimeter around any fireplace or water heater to prevent materials catching fire.
  3. Keep all fire equipment, ie. smoke detectors and fire extinguishers, up to date and in an easy to access location.
  4. Talk to your children about the dangers of fire – a huge portion of house fires are caused by children playing with matches, lighters, and gasoline.
  5. Keep a rope escape ladder in second story bedrooms closets.
  6. Designate an outside meeting place away from the house. This could be a recognizable tree, mailbox, or other landmark. Just be sure it is plenty far enough away from the house.
  7. Have your local fire or police station phone number stored in your phone.

What to do in the event of a fire:

  1. If the fire is small and contained, try to put it out with a fire extinguisher. Point the spray at the base of the fire, not the flames. DO NOT put water on a grease fire!
  2. If the fire is too large to put out with an extinguisher or it is spreading too quickly, alert your family and get outside. DO NOT get yourself trapped by trying to put out a fire that is too large for an extinguisher.
  3. If your smoke detectors sound from an unknown fire, quickly and calmly get outside. Before grabbing any closed door handles, tap them; if they are cool, you can open the door but if they’re hot, there could be flames on the other side. Opening a door creates a vacuum of oxygen that will cause flames to spread rapidly into the room.
  4. If you have an escape ladder and are unable to exit a room, hook the ladder to the window and climb down to safety.
  5. If there is an abundance of smoke stay low to the ground. Smoke rises so there will be more oxygen closer to the floor.
  6. Don’t burden yourself by taking possessions with you; things can be replaced, lives cannot!
  7. Get to your families designated meeting place. If you have a phone with you call the fire department right away. DO NOT go back inside to get something.

If you have any questions on the information above or would like us to perform a free quote, please contact us at 317-542-7087 or click on the free quote tab and we’ll be in touch!

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