
It’s that time of year once again: summer! Bonfires, concerts, pool days and camping are in most peoples’ future when warm weather comes around. Which means you spend less time indoors and more time making memories with your friends and family. However, you being away from your home more often gives intruders an opportunity to take advantage of your home.  According to www.bsj.gov  in 2014, 10.4 million households experienced property victimizations in warmer temperatures versus colder temperatures. 

Having a security system helps you protect your home and family while still getting to do all of the things you love. We encourage our customers to get a security system that fits their specific needs.  At Circle City Security Systems we offer top of the line video surveillance footage and remote security systems so you can enjoy those concerts worry free

In the mean time, enjoy that beautiful weather and stay safe. Call us if you feel its time to get your home better protected. 

PH: 317-542-7087

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