Verify Your Visitor Is Who They Say They Are!

Verify Your Visitor Is Who They Say They Are!

It’s hard to know how to be cautious yet polite when answering the front door. Many of us find it hard to put safety first without feeling like we’re being rude.

Because of this, many people hear to doorbell ring and automatically open the door, not wanting to make the person on the other side of the door feel uncomfortable.

Sadly, we can’t always be so trusting. We no longer have the luxury of trusting without question. You can’t be sure that it is a friendly visitor ringing the doorbell. With home invasions happening all over, you have to be sure before letting a visitor in.

Precaution is key when approaching a visitor at your door. Take these 5 steps to ensure your safety.

1. Ask Your Visitor To Identify Themselves.
2. Utilize Your Peephole If You Have One.
3. Take A Picture on Your Phone and Send To Friend To Verify Visitor If Needed.
4. Install A Chain Lock. Being Able To Crack Your Door With It Being Locked is Very Valuable.
5. Make A Phone Call To Whoever You Visit May Represent.

If You Would Like Some Information on Other Ways To Protect Your Home From Unwanted Guests, Please Contact Us Below and We’ll Be In Touch.

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