Don't Give Thieves Easy Access Through Your Garage! Learn How To Prevent!

Don’t Give Thieves Easy Access Through Your Garage! Learn How To Prevent!

Garage doors are traditionally weak links in garage home security, giving thieves easy access to your home. Use these tips to burglar-proof your garage door(s).

1. Beef up the service door. The walk-through entry door (called the “service door”) is the No. 1 security weak spot in most garages. It should be equipped with a dead bolt and a heavy-duty strike plate, just like any other exterior door in your house.

2. Lock the entry door. If you have an attached garage, lock the entry door that leads into the house. Too many homeowners rely on the service door and leave the entry door unlocked.

3. Cover windows. If crooks can’t see the tools and toys in your garage, they won’t be motivated to get in. Sheer curtains or translucent window film lets in light but keeps valuables out of sight.

4. Add lighting. Bright lighting makes burglars nervous and just might make them go elsewhere. Motion detector lighting is better than on-all-night lighting because it saves energy when it’s off and attracts attention when it’s on.

5. Install A Security System

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