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At Circle City, we pride ourself in staying up to date with the latest information, latest products, and latest services to ensure all of our customers and or potential customers safety.  Learn some important burglary facts.

Burglary Facts: 

  • 2.5 million+ home intrusions are committed each year.
  • Only 17% of the homes in U.S. have a security system.
  • 2,500+ cars stolen per day… almost 2 cars a minute.
  • Solution-Geofencing and GPS. 
  • Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the U.S.
  • 1 out of 3 residential assaults are a result of a burglary.
  • 85% of break-ins are from non-professionals that are usually more desperate and dangerous.
  • Insurance agencies can offer discounts up to 20% for auto insurance when a home security system is installed.
  • Home security statistics tell us that 95% of break-ins needed some amount of force to break-in.
  • Thieves prefer easy access, through an unlocked doors or windows.
  • Home security statistics tell us that the type of tools used to break in are usually simple; a screwdriver, pliers, pries bars, and small hammers are most common.
  • Police usually only clear 13% of all reported burglaries due to lack of witnesses or physical evidence.

If you would like more information about our products or services, please fill out the information below and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible. Stay safe Indianapolis!

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