Avoid Common Home Security Mistakes!

Avoid Common Home Security Mistakes!

According to the FBI, a burglary happens once every 16 seconds. A third of these burglaries happened to homes where a door or window was left unlocked, which brings me to the point of this blog post.

Many burglaries can be prevented if people didn’t make so many home security mistakes. If a burglar is absolutely determined to get into your home, he or she will probably find a way. However, as long as you avoid making mistakes (like leaving a window unlocked), most burglars will skip your home in search of an easier target.

Learn About 5 Common Mistakes Most Homeowners Make and Can Be Easily Corrected:

1. Hiding a Key Under a Doormat. Even first-time burglars know to check under the doormat. After all, it’s the oldest trick in the book. I’m hoping no one still does this, but you can never be to sure, so I thought we should mention it.

2. Using Cheap Door and Window Locks. Consider upgrading to more heavy-duty door and window locks. Many burglars already know how to get through standard locks, so make it as difficult for them as you can. Chances are if they have a hard enough time, they will move onto to another target.

3. Relying On A Barking Dog. Don’t get me wrong, a loud dog can be a great deterrent and I know we joke a lot about guard dogs, but you should still lock your doors and have an alarm system. As intimidating as dogs sound, they don’t usually attack intruders. Unless the burglar is afraid of dogs, yours probably won’t do much good and could even get hurt.

4. Using Fake Security Equipment. Don’t test a burglar with fake cameras or false security stickers.  It’s not worth the risk. Depending on your security needs, a good system is an investment, but burglars will think twice if they look up and see a real camera or a security sticker with our logo!

5. Letting Your Guard Down. People who have never been robbed tend to be way too complacent. I’m not saying you should feel tense and paranoid all the time, but at least make a habit of checking your surroundings. Scan your front yard before you park your car, look out your window before you go to bed, and keep an eye out for suspicious vehicles or people watching your home. It never hurts to be cautious.


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