
  • Once in the house, a burglar will do just what you do when you come home: They head for the bedroom. That’s where most of us keep our valuables. A jewelry box on top of the dresser is practically a homing signal. But, they also know your “clever” hiding places: dresser drawers, the freezer, under the mattress or the cookie jar!
  • They’re after cash and small, easy-to-carry things they can turn into cash – quickly. Jewelry, silver, cameras. But taking bulky items doesn’t scare these crooks off either – TVs, Blu-Ray players, and stereos get their attention too.
  • Most people don’t install security systems until 2 to 4 years after they move in. A Burglar will know this, and your chances of a break-in are highest right after you move.
  • Buying decals and lawn signs instead of a security system won’t work. Experienced burglars know the difference.
  • Contrary to popular belief, burglars don’t often break in at night. Their favorite hours are 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. – when you’re at work and your kids are at school.
  • Burglars spend less than 1 minute trying to break in, but take 30-45 minutes to choose their target. Often they’ll pick a familiar neighborhood or a secluded home close to a main street.
  • Burglars don’t want to work hard to get in. Believe it or not – their favorite entrance is the front door. Nearly half break-in through the front door, 32% choose the back door, and 22% enter through the first floor window. The rest break-in through the garage, basement or second floor window.

Home Safety Checklist

  • Keep an eye on your neighbor’s houses. Ask them to watch yours. Get involved with your neighborhood watch group.
  • If you think someone is inside your home, don’t go in. Call the police. If you do face a burglar, don’t be a hero. Your life matters more than your property!
  • When on vacation, make intruders think you’re home. Park a car outside, turn the telephone ringers down. Constant ringing indicates an unoccupied house. Leave some lights on inside and out. Turn on the stereo or TV.
  • Cancel the newspaper and other deliveries. Have a neighbor pick up mail and empty garbage cans. Don’t leave notes.
  • Lock all doors and windows and lock the garage overhead door.


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Source: IBFAA

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