
A security and fire alarm system can help keep your business safe in the event of an emergency. However, even with one of our top of the line systems, it is still imperative that your company has a plan for every type of emergency. Planning for such events can be a matter of life or death, in some instances. Having a plan in place will help keep your business running smoothly.

  1. Make a team

Simply having someone in charge of emergency plans will make organizing your plans much easier. This could be you, the business owner, a small team or even everyone in the office. At least one person needs to be an expert in all aspects of emergency planning and needs to relay that information to other employees regularly as the business or environment changes. This person or group of people should also be responsible for routinely checking emergency equipment such as smoke detectors or fire extinguishers.

  1. Signage

Most buildings are required by law to have fire and natural disaster exits posted throughout the building. This will ensure that all employees and visitors know what to do and where to go should an emergency occur.

  1. Fire safety

This varies from business to business. 70% of businesses that experience a fire never reopen. If you want to be part of the 30% that do, you need to take this information seriously. At the very least, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers should be placed strategically throughout the building. All exits need to be clear and free of clutter. Additionally, replace any old electrical cords as soon as possible, they’re fire hazards. Businesses such as restaurants usually require additional fire extinguishing equipment and all employees should be trained on how to use them. There is specific equipment designed for grills and oil vats that can save a business. All employees should know where to exit in the event of a fire.

  1. Natural Disaster

Your company needs to have a plan for natural disasters such as tornadoes, earthquakes, floods or blizzards. The safest place to go during a tornado is the lowest level in the building in an interior room without windows. Under a staircase is usually very safe as well. During an earthquake everyone should take cover under the nearest piece of sturdy furniture such as a desk and sit with their head down and hands covering the back of the neck. If you’re in an area prone to flooding, keep up to date on weather reports and close the building if necessary. Never work through a flood as floodwaters expose dangerous electrical wires. The same can be said for extreme winter conditions. Your employees should never have to risk their lives to make it to work in a blizzard. Keep communication open and cancel or delay work for the day to keep your employees safe; they are, after all, your most valuable assets!

  1. Crime

Make sure your workers know exactly how to handle a vandal or thief. An employee should never be afraid to come to work. Be sure that all part of the premises are secured and well lit. This means locking exterior doors where necessary and never working alone. Dealing with a thief varies from business to business but the key factor is that safety is always the first priority. You want employees that will protect your business, but security guards should be the only people that need to physically protect it. We have different security systems you can install that will protect your employees such as silent alarms and door alarms.

  1. Communication

Communication is the core to all of the information listed above. All procedures should not be foreign to an employee; everyone needs to know exactly what to do in any situation. Setting up mass emails or mass texts to all employees will help keep them updated on all emergency situations.

Keeping your company up to date on all of these security measures will help keep your business running smoothly. For additional information on these tips or about our security systems, contact us below:

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