Whether you live in an apartment, condo, or housing edition…Protection should always be a priority. We’re here to help you minimize risk with the below tips in this article! 


Taking precautions to avoid intruders is in your best interest. 

  • Consider having a motion sensor light.

Depending on your apartment floor level a floodlight can be placed on your balcony or window, and when an intruder steps within the motion sensor, a light turns on, alerting you of someone’s presence. This will often lead the burglar to believe someone is home or that there is some type of security system in place. Lights help to notify and protect your property when someone unknown enters the premise. Increased visibility of your surroundings allows you to keep tabs on the whereabouts of your property. 

  • An excuse to get a dog.

Dogs are perfect for alerting you of any suspicious activity occurring around your home. They have a heightened sense of hearing and smell which allows them to notice an intruder quickly. So yes, if you’ve been looking for one last excuse for you to go to the humane society and get that dog you’ve always wanted, this is it. 

  • Conceal your valuables

Conceal your valuables so that it’s not evident you have any. Keep your valuables and personal belongings in a safe space when you’re not at home. Consider buying a safe or lock for your closet to ensure that your belongings are protected. Tuck away loose change, extra phone chargers, or any other items of value so they aren’t in plain sight if someone enters your home – this way in the unfortunate incident that someone does enter your home, it’s evident that they’ve rummaged around. If your apartment doesn’t have a deadbolt lock on the door, it can be a great addition for extra security.

  • Secure sliding doors. 

Put a barrier such as a sawed-off broomstick or other wood planks in the door slide to manually prevent the door from opening. This is a simple and easy solution for additional security on your property. 

  • Invest in good blinds.

Blind structure not only makes your apartment look good, but it keeps eyes from peering in. Protecting your apartment with proper blind placement is extremely effective at preventing burglars. Blinds provide additional privacy necessary for your apartment or condo, and often when an intruder is selecting their target home, they evaluate the property by looking through the windows. Block their view by adjusting curtains and blinds to restrict visibility. 

Fun (or not so fun) Fact:

The FBI reports that burglary victims in 2014 lost a total of $3.9 billion, and nearly 75% of the burgled locations were residential properties. 

  • Video Cameras.

Surveillance systems are perfect because you can see what’s happening on your property 24/7. At Circle City Security, all of our video surveillance is available with access control from your phone. Simply click on the app and you can monitor the status of your apartment or condo.

Cameras and domes add peace of mind so when you come home to your apartment you can feel reassured that there are no unwanted guests.

For any additional questions about security precautions, give us a call at 1-317-542-7087.


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