News about Auto GPS tracking seems to be everywhere right now. That’s because it’s getting more affordable and available than ever before. And many of them can be linked right to your smartphone or other devices. Do you need a GPS tracker on your car? Let’s look at some reasons why you should strongly consider just that.

Individual Drivers


The FBI estimates that nearly 700 thousand vehicles were stolen in 2014, the most recent year for which they have released data. That’s about 1 vehicle every 46 seconds and a national cost of $4.5 billion. GPS trackers help police catch car thieves, and, in many cases, allow the car to be returned unharmed. The more vehicles that have GPS tracking, the harder it will become to be a car thief. But every car without tracking will be vulnerable to a theft.

Business Owners


If you have a fleet of cars, you are also concerned about theft. And you may need to know where your drivers are to coordinate and communicate between job sites. Or you may need to be aware if someone is not where they are supposed to be while on your dime. GPS tracking just makes good business sense. It’s one of those technologies that, very soon, we’ll wonder how we ever lived without.

Parents of Teen Drivers


This is a big one. When you allow your child to get behind the wheel, you know that it will take a little time before they learn the ways of the road. We won’t try to scare you with statistics. We know that it’s scary enough. Knowing where your child is in the case of an emergency or just a failure to “check in” with you can give you a peace of mind never before possible. If you have a teen driver, this is a technology that you should not be without.

You may be an individual, business owner or a parent. Or you may be all 3. Regardless of who you are, if you have a car, you want that car to be safe. GPS auto tracking makes sense for everyone. Visit our website to start protecting your car today.

Learn More About Our Auto GPS Systems, HERE

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