
According to the FBI, in the United States:

  • one property crime happens every 3 seconds
  • 1 in every 5 homes will experience a break-in or home invasion
  • 60% of rapes occur during a home invasion
  • 38% of aggravated assaults happen during a home invasion

Don’t Answer the Door

Now days if someone knocks on your door unexpectedly, it’s usually a package delivery or a sales person. Unfortunately, this can also be a common disguise for intruders. By simply going up to your door, they can learn a lot of information about you. They can figure out what times of the day you are gone, and if you open the door, they can peek inside your house to get a general layout. Keyholes are a thing of the past, generally they are placed in the middle of the door, so you can see who is standing on your front porch; but the side windows next to the door are your worst enemy, intruders can see you walk by the door to look at the keyhole. Pretty ineffective right?

Talk Outside

If you choose to open the door, be sure to go outside to talk and shut the door behind you. Never let a stranger inside your house. It is important to talk with the solicitor in clear view of the street. It is required for any salesman to carry photo identification that clearly states their employer. Be sure to ask for that right away. Another tip, is to always make it known that other people are in the house. Even if you are alone, make some notion that someone else is with you, simply for the sake of protection.


Often sales reps with bad intentions avoid the houses with security system signs out front. It also doesn’t hurt to put up a sign that says “No Solicitors.” These signs can prevent salesmen from coming to your door, but doesn’t necessarily stop them from a home invasion. And if you have one of those signs up and someone rings your doorbell, DO NOT ANSWER. By law, that is trespassing and who knows what that person is up to. However, when a home invader sees a security system sign (which offers more protection than a “no solicitors” sign) it is pretty obvious they have no chance of entering the home without getting caught.

Make It Easy


Why take the chance? With an elite security system, you can see all areas inside and outside of your house without having a second thought of who it might be. We have systems with video cameras, alarms, and safe locks, to ensure safety for everyone and everything. Don’t put yourself or your family at risk by not having a security system. Intruders wait for no one, don’t be a victim.

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