home security systems fire alarmWhy should you have your home security systems monitored?

  1. Life Safety – Many people today only think about home security systems for burglars. They also provide protection for your family in the invent of a fire.
  2. Medical Emergency.
  3. Reduced Loss – No home security systems today can prevent a fire or burglar. However they can help reduce the loss from these incidents.
  4. Interactive Services – Home security systems today don’t just protect your home, they also help you get connected with your home! Adding items like Honeywell’s Total Connect can make this happen!
  5. Economic Value – Most insurance companies offer a 10-20% discount on their rates for monitored systems. A non-monitored system will likely give you no discount. You can also add Total Connect to your system for lighting & thermostat control for even more reduced utility costs.

Source: Honeywell Blog


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