Control Your Home in The Palm of Your Hand!


The future is now. You can now have total control of all the electricity in your house or workplace from the palm of your hand and your laptop.  Our home security systems give you the power to lock down your home or business with a touch of a button. Total Connect-Interactive Home Security lets you check on how the babysitter is handling your children while you are out, make sure no unwanted guests have found an open window, or even close the garage door that you forgot to close. It has so many capabilities that once you have it, you will wonder why you went so long without it. You will have your very own “Smart House.”


The Total Connect-Interactive Security is top of the line security. When leaving the house or place of business, you can open up the Total Connect app and press the ARM button. That will lock up all possible entry ways that you might have forgotten about. This gives you the peace of mind when leaving the house or workplace that everything will be the way you left it when you return. Total Connect establishes a real time connection with your security system. Once connected the live session will execute desired commands.



We add up to six surveillance cameras around your house or building. The surveillance cameras can be on the exterior or interior of the house or building. The video streaming from the camera surveillance is mobile compatible. No matter where you are in the world, you will be able to pull up on your phone and see what your children are doing in the kitchen or anywhere else in the house. For business purposes, when you are out of town you can see if your employees showed up for work or not. For security reasons, if an alarm is triggered then the cameras will immediately start recording so you are more likely to catch the perpetrator.


These features are what make our Total Connect-Interactive Security makes your home or business feel like a “Smart House.” Whether you are just lounging on the couch or working at your desk, you have the ability to change the thermometer, dim the lights, open or close the garage door, and lock or unlock any door you want. You can even set the temperature to a schedule so you are not spending extra on air conditioning while nobody is in the house all day. Also you can customize your dashboard on your laptop and mobile device to your preferences.


Let’s summarize and go over some extra features:

  • Customizable dashboard screen
  • Easy-to-use security system interface
  • Intuitive prompts and vivid graphic icons
  • View real-time system status
  • Control thermostats, lights and other devices in your home
  • Receive important email and video alerts
  • View live streaming video from a mobile device, PC or MAC

To set up your “Smart House” and or curious about the system, please contact our sales team below.

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