How a Smart Home Makes You the Perfect Holiday Host

How a Smart Home Makes You the Perfect Holiday Host

The holiday season is just around the corner and this year you are hosting your family and friends from out-of-town for the first time. If you are looking to give them an enjoyable, welcoming experience, we have five tips that can make that happen with smart home...
What Does Home Automation Really Mean?

What Does Home Automation Really Mean?

Welcome to the future. Some of the things that you will read in this blog will sound made up. You will almost feel like you are reading about the Jetsons. I assure you, everything you are about to read is possible for you. It is time to learn how your regular home can...
Are You Keeping Your Employees In Check

Are You Keeping Your Employees In Check

Everybody is looking for that gold star worthy employee when going through the hiring process. Everybody is not lucky enough to find perfect employees every single time they make a new hire. The best you can do is hope your hiring process weeds out the bad and lets...
Do I Need a Security System If I Have a Dog?

Do I Need a Security System If I Have a Dog?

Almost everybody is happy to see a dog as they walk into a house, except the people who are breaking in. If you were to give a burglar the option between two houses and the only difference is one has a dog and the other doesn’t, one hundred out of one hundred times...

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