Don’t Forget About the Garage!

Don’t Forget About the Garage!

What do you keep in your garage? Golf clubs? Expensive tools? Lawn care equipment? Car? You most likely keep certain things in your garage that are valuable to you. Garage break-ins are in the top five ways a burglar enters a home. If your garage is detached,...
Live Like Marty McFly…?

Live Like Marty McFly…?

When Marty McFly went to the future in “Back to the Future 2,” he landed in 2015. Back when the movie came out, just about everything the movie showed seem too far-fetched to be possible. Now we still don’t have flying cars, but there were some cool concepts in the...
Summer Safety Checks

Summer Safety Checks

Summertime is the part of the year for families to enjoy together, whether it be on a trip far away, nearby or even just a neighborhood block party. Having a fun summer is important, so you never want to forget about these essential safety tips for your home, to keep...
The All-In-One Smartphone App for Your Home

The All-In-One Smartphone App for Your Home

In today’s technological wonderland, the idea of a “smart-home” has grown in popularity, connecting the markets of homeowners and renters with smartphone users. But, just because there are plentiful smart-home applications available for your smartphone doesn’t...
Summer Vacation Checklist

Summer Vacation Checklist

The kids are out of school and you’ve had a family vacation planned for quite some time now. It would be a shame if you came back to a broken into home. Whether you are leaving town for a long weekend or for a few weeks, make sure you follow these tips to keep you...

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