Can the Amazon Echo Really Make Your Life Easier?

Can the Amazon Echo Really Make Your Life Easier?

In today’s world of never-ending automation, Amazon released the Echo into their technology portfolio. Bluetooth speakers are already as popular as they can be; is there really room in the marketplace for another one? But, in case you didn’t already know, the Amazon...
How to Use Airbnb the Right Way

How to Use Airbnb the Right Way

Overview For those of you who don’t know, AirBnB a hospitality service allowing normal everyday people rent or lease rooms in their homes, apartments, and even whole lodging properties for short-term. It is often cheaper than booking a room at a hotel and provides a...
Summer is Fun For All… Even Criminals

Summer is Fun For All… Even Criminals

Just about everybody looks forward to the summer. The sun is out, temperatures rise, and people are more willing to go out and partake in activities. I hate to add a downer into how much potential every summer has, but criminals also look forward to the summer months...
Better Home Automation Means Better Home Security

Better Home Automation Means Better Home Security

When people think about home automation, they usually call to mind images of controlling exterior lighting with a smartphone or a thermostat that automatically adjusts the interior temperature based on the time of day. While this is all real technology, home...
Is Your Business REALLY Secure?

Is Your Business REALLY Secure?

To say that things are hard out there for a business is something of an understatement. Even if you pour your heart and soul into a business, you could still run into a variety of obstacles like an inability to properly communicate with your target audience, increased...

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