Security Camera Buying Guide

Security Camera Buying Guide

Almost everyone who wishes to put his property under video/CCTV surveillance searches for security camera options available in the market. Unfortunately, people don’t know the technical details of the camera that they should buy for meeting their requirements. For...
The Importance of Video Surveillance

The Importance of Video Surveillance

Not so long ago, video surveillance systems used to be analog. What that means is they were simple cameras which would record the footage on a VHS tape. The video was grainy and the shelf life of storage was also limited. However, even these earlier video surveillance...
Does Indiana need better commercial security?

Does Indiana need better commercial security?

Last week almost 40 firearms were stolen from a guns store in Cloverdale. Recently another firearms shop was a victim of a burglary in Central Indiana leading to theft of 7 firearms. Imagine if this can happen with a gun store, then, where do other establishments like...

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